วันจันทร์ที่ 22 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556


                  In the Ancient Greek people did not really care about the clothing. They made the garments simple and functional. Clothes were mainly homemade and the same piece of homespun fabric that was used as a type of garment, or blanket. And also with the Greek hot summer the less fabric and complicating seems to deal with the temperature better. 

                Clothing for men and women consisted of two main garments a tunic and a cloak. The peplos was a large rectangle of heavy fabric, usually wool, folded over along the upper edge so that the over fold would reach to the waist. It was placed around the body and fastened at the shoulders with a pin. There were armholes on each side, and the open side of the garment was either left that way, or pinned.

                 Clothes in ancient greek were made out of three types of materials. The mostly used material was wool, which was woven from very coarse to very soft. Women and men in Greece wore almost the same kind of clothes. These clothes were not shaped or fitted to the body, but were instead draped over the body in soft folds. There were basically four types of clothes, which were all rectangles.

               The chiton was made of a much lighter material, normally linen. It was a very long and wide rectangle of fabric sewn up at the side or sewn at the shoulders, and usually girded around the waist. Often the chiton was wide enough to allow for sleeves that were fastened along the upper arms with pins or buttons. Both the peplos and chiton were floor length garments that were usually long enough to be pulled over the belt, creating a pouch known as a kolpos. Under either garment, a woman might worn a soft band, known as a strophion, around the mid section of the body.

             More ever to covering the feet the greeks sometime also covering their hand as well. Women and men wore sandals, slippers, soft shoes, or boots, they usually went barefoot at home.


